Mid-Week Motivation 06/05/2024

Replace "Bad" With "New"

“Replace “bad” with “new”!” – Jon Acuff

What does that mean?

We are often times our worst critic. We are quick to judge ourselves nd compare ourselves to other people.

When we try something new and don’t see the results we expected to see, we quickly assume we are just “bad” at that particular thing.

We neglect the phrase “practice makes perfect” and we expect to be overnight successes. 

What if we were to replace the word “bad” with the word “new”? 


You aren’t “bad” at something, you’re just “new” at it!

You aren’t “bad” at that hobby, you’re just “new” at it.

You aren’t a “bad” parent, you’re a “new” parent. 

“You aren’t “bad” at the new job you just got, you’re just “new” to it. 

Try to catch yourself every time you say you are “bad” at something, give yourself some grace, and let yourself know that you are just “new” at it!

If you or someone you know needs help receiving substance abuse treatment, please call (270) 900-0373 any time, any day, 24/7 for a screening with one of our employees. 

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