Mid-Week Motivation 12/06/2023

Comfortability will Cost you!

Comfortability will cost you; there are benefits to stepping out of your comfort zone!

What does that mean?

Have you ever been driving through town and noticed two separate gas stations across the road from each other; however, one of the gas stations is cheaper per gallon than the other? 

Have you ever noticed that people still stop by the more expensive gas station to get gas instead of driving right across the street to save money? 

Maybe they have just grown so comfortable with the more expensive gas station and they know what to expect there. Everyone knows them there, and they would feel uncomfortable going across the street to try something different. 

The people who choose to pay the extra at the more expensive gas station have a level of comfortability that is now costing them more money.  

We are the same way sometimes; we will often times hang around the same people and places even though those people and places are costing us big time. 

We have to be brave enough to walk away from the people, places, and things that cost us our peace, time, money, and life.

Life presents us with many different opportunities to change our situation, but we have to make the decision to leave what we have always known and take a leap of faith into the unknown. 

Comfortable is easy, but it will often times cost you more than you will ever know. 

If the good things in life were easy, everyone would be happy; however, sometimes we have to make the difficult decision to get a little uncomfortable in order to reach our life’s full potential.

If you or someone you know needs help receiving substance abuse treatment, please call (270) 900-0373 any time, any day, 24/7 for a screening with one of our employees. 

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