Mid-Week Motivation 08/14/2024

You Control You

“You control you.”

What does that mean?

There are billions of people in this world; however, you can only control the thoughts, words, and actions of one of them.


We often times set ourselves up for disappointment because we place our expectations on other people. 

We want them to do what want them to, how we want them to, and when we want them to do it. 

The sooner we understand that we cannot control other people, the better off our mental and emotional states will be.

You control you; you cannot control the actions and decisions of anyone else.


Stop expecting you out of other people. 

There is only one you and only you can control you.

Stop investing so much time, effort, and energy into trying to make someone else be more like you.

Take that time, effort, and energy and invest it in bettering yourself. 

Make better decisions, think better thoughts, and speak better of yourself and others. 

If you or someone you know needs help receiving substance abuse treatment, please call (270) 900-0373 any time, any day, 24/7 for a screening with one of our employees. 

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