Mid-Week Motivation 08/28/2024

Turn Down The Volume

“Turn down the volume on negativity and turn up the volume on good, positive, and motivational things.”

What does that mean?

We often listen to the same, hurtful and repetitive thoughts all day long. 

We allow the voices in our heads tell us that we aren’t good enough, creative enough, smart enough, etc.; however, we have to remind ourselves that we can control those thoughts.

Jon Acuff, an author and speaker, calls these repetitive thoughts “soundtracks” that we listen to on repeat all day long. 

We walk ourselves in circles thinking we can just turn these “soundtracks” off and listen to something else, but it isn’t that simple.

Our thoughts are more like a dial and less like an on-off switch.

We have to learn to turn down the loud, negative thoughts and turn up the good, encouraging ones.


As much as you may think that you can’t control your thoughts, you are the only one who can. 

Your mindset is often dependent upon what you spend the most time listening to and consuming. 

If you want a better mindset, try turning down the volume on things in your life that take away value instead of add value. 

If you or someone you know needs help receiving substance abuse treatment, please call (270) 900-0373 any time, any day, 24/7 for a screening with one of our employees. 

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