Lexington Addiction and Substance Abuse Treatment in Lexington, KY The Commitment House is an addiction and substance abuse treatment program with locations in Lexington, Kentucky. Calls are accepted 24/7 for substance abuse treatment screenings at (859) 309-8432 Contact Us! The Commitment House Addiction and Substance Abuse Treatment in Lexington Addiction and Substance Abuse Treatment in Lexington, KYLexington Residential Program 866 S Broadway Lexington, Ky 40503 Male and Female Residential Treatment (NOT Co-Ed) Addiction and Substance Abuse Treatment in LexingtonLexington Community Program (Mammoth)3249 Mammoth Dr. Lexington, Ky 40517 Addiction and Substance Abuse Treatment in LexingtonLexington Community Program (Garden Springs)2041 Garden Springs Drive Lexington, Ky 40504 Addiction and Substance Abuse Treatment in LexingtonLexington Community Program (Hisle)1836 Hisle Way Apt. A&B Lexington, Ky 40505 Facebook Youtube Instagram