Mid-Week Motivation 10/02/2024

Make Time, Not Excuses

“Make time for what matters; stop making excuses”.

What does that mean?

We all have 24 hours every single day to use how we seem fit.

We fill those 24 hours with various activities and responsibilities; however, not all 24 hours are productive each day.

How much time are you spending on trivial tasks that do not have a positive impact on your life?

How often have you caught yourself saying something along the lines of, “I wish I had more time for ____________, but I am too busy and don’t have enough time in the day”?

We spend more time making excuses for all the time we waste each day than actually making time for things that matter and are beneFICIAL.


We waste so much time each day doom-scrolling social media, binge-watching Netflix, and laying around doing nothing.

Not to say those things are necessarily bad, but they can become harmful if they are taking up too much time in your day.

Take a moment to check the screen time settings on your phone from the past week.

How much time did you spend online shopping or watching TikToks? 

You may not believe you have the time to work out, build a business, travel, or hang out with friends or family; but you likely have more time each day than you realize. 

Spend your time on things that matter; stop making excuses and pretending you don’t have the time.

Be disciplined and make the most of the time you get each day. 

If you or someone you know needs help receiving substance abuse treatment, please call (270) 900-0373 any time, any day, 24/7 for a screening with one of our employees. 

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