Mid-Week Motivation 09/18/2024

Set Healthy Boundaries

“Set healthy boundaries in your life.”

What does that mean?

Setting boundaries can be a difficult thing to do; we don’t want to upset someone we love or care about.

The thing is, we can’t disrupt our peace and well being by trying to appease someone else.

If someone or something or someplace upsets you, causes you anxiety, or makes your life more difficult or stressful than it should be, you may need to create and communicate some boundaries with them. 

We have to be bold and brave enoughh to say “I am fine with everything except for this”. 

Setting healthy boundaries helps to protect your peace and allow for less stress in your life.


Setting boundaries may look different for everyone depending upon their situation. 

For a recovering addict, it may look like no longer hanging out with friends at bars or maybe no longer hanging out with the same people period.

For a burnt-out employee, it may look like no longer answering emails after 5pm.

For a relationship, it may look like agreeing not to rush things and get physical too soon.

Setting boundaries is a very important part of ensuring out mental and emotional, and sometimes physical well-being.

If you or someone you know needs help receiving substance abuse treatment, please call (270) 900-0373 any time, any day, 24/7 for a screening with one of our employees. 

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